Show Recent Places from Windows 7 on Windows 10

In this post, I describe how to show the Recent Places from Windows 7 Favorites on Windows 10.

Screenshow of Recent Places on Windows 7

Bonus: I also describe how to show Recent Items which displays recent files and folders.


To show Recent Places on Windows 10:

1. Copy and paste the following text %windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99} into a Run prompt then press OK:

Screenshot of Windows Run prompt

2. Recent folders is shown (this is the same as Recent Places):

Screenshot of Recent folders on Windows 10

3. Left click drag and drop the Recent folders text from the address bar over Quick access in the tree view on the left to pin Recent folders to Quick Access:

Screenshot of Recent folders being dragged and dropped over Quick access


To show Recent Items in Windows 10:

1. Copy and paste the following text Recent items into a Run prompt then press OK:

Screenshot of a Run prompt containing the text Recent items

2. Recent Items is shown:

Screenshot of Recent Items on Windows 10

3. Drag and drop the Recent Items text from the address bar to Quick access to pin Recent Items to Quick Access.

4. Click the Date modified column header to sort the items and show the most recently modified files and folders at the top.


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