File not found VMDK This file is required to power on this virtual machine

This post describes how to fix the following error that can occur in VMware Workstation:

File not found: .vmdk

This file is required to power on this virtual machine. If this file was moved, specify the new location.

Screenshot of File not found .vmdk. This file is required to power on this virtual machine.


This error occured when I restored a snapshot, changed the virtual machine settings, deleted the snapshot, then tried to create a new snapshot or power on the virtual machine.


These vmdk files are snapshot files.  But I had just deleted my only snapshot.  So, I was able to fix the error on my test environment as follows:

1. Browse to the directory of the virtal machine and find another .vmdk file e.g.

Screenshot of another .vmdk file in the same directory

2. Copy this .vmdk file and rename it to the file not found, in my case "Windows Server 2022-cl2-000001.vmdk"

Screenshot of identical .vmdk files

3. The virtual machine now boots successfully:

Screenshot of virtual machine now booting successfully

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