LG TV Clear All Browsing History Data

This post describes how to clear all browsing history data from an LG TV.

This is one way to resolve the error "This app will now restart to free up more memory" sometimes seen on LG TVs.


The process to clear all browsing history data is as follows:

1. Press the Home button on the remote control and keep pressing right until you find the Web Browser then open it.

LG TV Web Browser

2. Scroll the wheel on the remote control to reveal the pointer on screen, then press the three dots stacked vertically (located in the top right of the screen, next to the close button) to open the Menu.

3. Select Settings from the Menu.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings to reach the Clear Browsing Data section.

LG TV Clear All Browsing History Data

5. Press the Clear All Browsing Data button then press Yes to confirm.

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  1. Tried 2x ...cleared history on my LG TV. Did not help with "this app will now restart to free up more space" will try original solution of unplugging the tv

    1. Thanks for the information. Hopefully the original solution in my post This app will now restart to free up more memory will resolve the issue for you.

  2. Hi
    Will Iose all my apps I have installed by doing this ??

    1. No, this will only clear your browsing data (history and cookies).


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