Error 0x2015(The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object.)

This post describes how to fix the error:

“DsRemoveDsDomainW error 0x2015(The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object.)”


“ldap_delete_ext_sW error 0x42(66 (Not allowed on Non-leaf).

Ldap extended error message is 00002015: UpdErr: DSID-03100E01, problem 6003 (CANT_ON_NON_LEAF), data 0

Win32 error returned is 0x2015(The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object.))”

Screenshot showing Error 0x2015(The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object.)


There errors can occur when you use ntdsutil metadata cleanup or partition management and you try to delete domains or partitions that are not leaf objects i.e. objects that have children.

They occurred for me when I was trying to delete a child domain before deleting domaindnszones.


To resolve this issue, delete the child objects that are children, before attempting to delete their parents.

1. Run ntdsutil

2. Enter partition management

3. Enter connections

4. Enter connect to server %ServerName% (replace with your DC server name)

5. Enter quit (this doesn't quit the whole thing, it just takes you back to partition management)

6. Enter list

Screenshot showing ntdsutil partition management listing the partitions

7. In this case, the leaf object is number 6.

8. So, I entered delete nc DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=child,DC=test2016,DC=ne

9. I was then able to delete the child domain delete nc DC=child,DC=test2016,DC=ne

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  1. Thank you for publishing this -- I thought I was the only one who didn't follow the instructions for removing a child domain. :) I just wish I could've found this 2 days ago! :D

    1. Thanks for your reply. Glad my post helped! :)


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