Gen4 family is not available in this region. Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 45122

This post describes how to fix the error 'Gen4 family is not available in this region. Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 45122'

Gen4 family is not available in this region. Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 45122


This error can occur when creating a new database in Azure using SQL Server Management Studio.

If you select the Configure SLO page, you will see GP_Gen4_1 as the Current Service Level Objective.  This setting is greyed out if you are not signed in to Microsoft Azure:

SQL Server Management Studio New Database Configure SLO not signed in


When you are signed in, these Azure options can be changed.  I changed the Edition to Basic, which also changed the Current Service Level Objective to Basic:

SQL Server Management Studio New Database Configure SLO signed in

This enabled me to successfully create the database, however this may vary depending on your region.


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