Windows Patches Installed On Date Incorrect Format on Windows Server 2012

If you run the following on Windows Server 2012

$patches = get-ciminstance Win32_QuickFixEngineering

you get the date the patch was installed on in American date format MM/DD/YY.  PowerShell then converts the DD part of the date into a month so the result is incorrect.

If you run the same query on Windows Server 2012 R2, the date is correct

If you dig into the code, you can see the issue, here it is in Windows Server 2012

System.Object InstalledOn
    get=if ([environment] -ge 7000)
        # WMI team fixed the formatting issue related to InstalledOn
        # property in Windows7 (to return string) returning the WMI's
        # version directly
        $orig = $this.psBase.CimInstanceProperties["InstalledOn"].Value
        $date = [datetime]::FromFileTimeUTC($("0x" + $orig))
        if ($date -lt "1/1/1980")
            if ($orig -match "([0-9]{4})([01][0-9])([012][0-9])")
                new-object datetime @([int]$matches[1], [int]$matches[2], [int]$matches[3])


And here it is in Windows Server 2012 R2

System.Object InstalledOn
    get=if ([environment] -ge 7000)
        # WMI team fixed the formatting issue related to InstalledOn
        # property in Windows7 (to return string) returning the WMI's
        # version directly
        [DateTime]::Parse($this.psBase.CimInstanceProperties["InstalledOn"].Value, [System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo]::new())
        $orig = $this.psBase.CimInstanceProperties["InstalledOn"].Value
        $date = [datetime]::FromFileTimeUTC($("0x" + $orig))
        if ($date -lt "1/1/1980")
            if ($orig -match "([0-9]{4})([01][0-9])([012][0-9])")
                new-object datetime @([int]$matches[1], [int]$matches[2], [int]$matches[3])


As you can see, the Windows Server 2012 R2 version has an additional parameter on the DateTime Parse method call which fixes the issue



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