Location is not accessible - C:\ is not accessible - Access is denied.

This post describes one way to fix the error "Location is not accessible - C:\ is not accessible - Access is denied." This can be frustrating as the C:\ drive can't be accessed! The cause of this issue in my case was because a user had been created in local users and groups with a home folder connected to \\localhost\c$. This changed the security of the C:\ drive to only allow access to that user and Administrators. Fix 1. Right click the C:\ drive and select Properties then go to the Security tab, press Advanced then Continue to open Advanced Security Settings 2. Now press Add then the 'Select a principal' hyperlink 3. Change the Location to the local machine if necessary, then type Users, Check Names and press OK 4. Press OK, then OK, then Yes in the Windows Security dialog box Windows will now set the security information. Click the Windows Security box to check the progress - you may see some errors setting the security on sub...